YAML Basics (for people how know JSON)

28 Dec 2018 28 Dec 2018 2 min read YAML

For most software developers, JSON is easy to understand. YAML, on the other hand, is sometimes a little bit unintuitive (my guess: YAML has some ambiguities that JSON has not). This document tries to shed some light on those “problems”.

Advantages over JSON 

YAML is a superset of JSON. Meaning: every valid JSON document can also be written in YAML without losing any information.

YAML has some bells and whistles that JSON documents don’t have. The most important advantage is (IMHO):

Support for comments (pure JSON does not allow for comments).


Sequences in YAML lingo are lists.

- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa
- Ken Griffey

JSON equivalent:

[ "Mark McGwire", "Sammy Sosa", "Ken Griffey" ]


Mappings in YAML lingo are objects.

hr:  65    # Home runs
avg: 0.278 # Batting average
rbi: 147   # Runs Batted In

JSON equivalent:

    "hr": 65,
    "avg": 0.278,
    "rbi": 147


YAML allows you to have multiple “documents” inside a single file/stream.

Documents are separated by ---.

- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa
- Ken Griffey

- Chicago Cubs
- St Louis Cardinals

Strings and Quotes 

YAML doesn’t differentiate between strings and scalars in general. However, YAML allows for single and double quotes.

Double quotes allow escape sequences like \n.

Single quotes are useful for forcing a string when the first characters would have another meaning otherwise (like " or #).

- Some string
- 'Also some string'
- "Yet another\nstring"
- '"Howdy!" he cried.' # Single quote use case 1
- '# Not a ''comment''.' # Single quote use case 2

Multiline Strings 

Literal Style 

In literal style (|), newlines are preserved.

description: |
  // ||  ||__


// ||  ||__

Folded Style 

In folded style (>), newlines are replaced with spaces - unless it ends an empty or a more-indented line.

description: >
  Mark McGwire's
  year was crippled
  by a knee injury.


Mark McGwire's year was crippled by a knee injury.

description: >
  Sammy Sosa completed another
  fine season with great stats.

    63 Home Runs
    0.288 Batting Average

  What a year!


Sammy Sosa completed another fine season with great stats.

    63 Home Runs
    0.288 Batting Average

What a year!